
WE have our own dedicated support team and we ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round

Many support queries and technical questions will already be answered in supporting documentation such as FAQ's and comments from previous buyers. We also make sure that all of the items sold on have documentation included so always check the included information and if you can’t find the answer you’re looking for our support team. 

Our support team answers your questions about how to use the item and technical questions

We are available to answer your general questions about the item and how to use it. For example, how do I get my homepage to look like the one in the preview? The response to this type of question can come in various formats including directing you to an already documented response ( comments or FAQs).

We answer your specific questions about the features and functionality of the item.

We help to provide some guidance on the way the item is designed.

We help you with issues related to using the item and getting the most value out of its functionality.


We answer questions about  functionality (  plug-ins, components, addons) bundled with the item, such as how they work and other technical questions.

During the item support period (2 weeks), you can report and discuss bugs and minor item defects. In those cases we help you with such bugs fixes.

If a supported item includes  a plugin, or is intended to work with  software or platforms (e.g. a CMS), we are expected to ensure the item remains compatible if the software or platform version is updated.